• Burqa on the street
  • Say no to war
  • So many people, so many people

Monday, January 25, 2010

Percutian ke Eropah part 3

Hari minggu kami akan mengambil peluang untuk keluar berjalan-jalan melihat negara orang. Ini kerana pada hari-hari bekerja, suamiku akan berada di Universiti untuk menjalankan researchnya dari 8 pagi (subuh waktu di sana) hingga pukul 7 petang (Lepas Isyak) ..

Kebetulan, waktu itu adalah waktu Mat Salleh shopping untuk menyambut Christmast.. Jadi bandar Grenoble ni meriah dengan pelbagai jualan dan hiasan juga makanan. Yang tiada adalah makanan halal. Tak best betul...

Sebelum pergi ke sana, tiap-tiap hari anak-anak akan bertanya " Kat sana ada snow tak Umi?" Saya jawab.. "Insya Allah, kalau ada rezeki kita, snow akan turun masa kita berada di sana..." Yalah, berdasarkan pengalaman tinggal di UK masa suami buat phD, snow yang turun adalah hanya 10 minit. Belum sempat apa-apa, dah cair.

Apapun, Alhamdulillah di Perancis ni snow turun dengan lebat. Diberitau oleh penduduk setempat yang tahun itu snow turun paling lebat setelah 22 tahun tidak turun selebat itu.Tercapailah hasrat anak-anak untuk bermain snow..

Anak-anak excited main snow. "Umi, mari kita buat snowman!" Kata Najwa pada awal-awal pagi. Kamipun turun sekeluarga ke tengah padang untuk bermain snow. Carrot tak ada utk dijadikan hidung. Timunlah sebagai gantinya. Hai timun pun timunlah...

Ketika si kakak dan abang sibuk membina Snowman, si kecil Iman pula sibuk makan snowman tu... Kalau tuang sirap dgn susu jadila ABC.. Yummie...

Seronok melayan anak-anak bermain.. Bilakah peluang sebegini akan muncul lagi?

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Science notes F5 :Chapter 2 - Part 3

Health problems related to nutrition:

Anorexia nervosa

A psychological illness due to intense fear of gaining weight and starving oneself to become thin and underwieght.
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Science notes F5 :Chapter 2 - Part 2

Nutrition & food production

The importance of taking good nutrition & practising good eating habits
•Micronutrients (nutrients that needed in small quantity)
•Macronutrients (nutrients that needed in large quantity)

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Science notes F5 :Chapter 2 - Part 1

Nutrition & food production
Nutrition (the intake of nutrients by living organisms)
Why food is needed?
–To maintain health
–As a source of energy
–To carry out life process
The basic nutrients that we need include proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, fibre, minerals & water

Factors affecting the calorie requirement of an individual:
–Infant, children & teenagers need more calories than aged
–This is because they are still growing (this processes requires energy)
–Elderly people need less energy because they’re less active
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Monday, January 11, 2010

Science notes F5 :Chapter 1

The classification of micro organisms
Micro organisms are living things which are tiny (so small) that cannot be seen with the eye.
There are five groups of micro organisms:

1. Bacteria

Structure : Have cell wall, nucleus
•Shape: Have various shape (rod, spherical)
•Reproduction : Binary fission, conjugation
•Feeding :
–Parasitic (get food from other living organisms)
–Saprophytic (get food from dead & decaying matter)
Habitat : air, water, soil…(all over the place)

2. Virus

•Structure : the smallest m/organisms.
•Have many shape: sperical, rod-shaped, rocket-shaped.
•Have nucleus (DNA) but doesn’t have plasma membrane, cytoplasm.
•Reproduction : only in living cell
•Feeding : Do not feed at all.

For more notes please follow this link:

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